viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

VOZ PASIVA - Ejercitación

The Passive Form
Completa el texto con la forma pasiva correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.
The building in front of you (call) the Summer Palace. It (build) in 1728 and nowadays it (consider) one of the finest examples of baroque arquitecture in the country. The south façade of the building (restore) several times since 1728, but the rest of the building (keep) unaltered. Today the Palace (own) by the town hall and for the last ten years it (use) as a home for the Art Museum. Last year one of our most valuable paitings (steal) from the museum. At the moment a new wing (add) to host the contemporary art collections, with special security conditions.
La voz pasiva y los tiempos verbales
Completa las frases con la voz pasiva de los verbos entre paréntesis, en el tiempo verbal adecuado.
1. My flat (sell) last week.
2. The room (not paint) yet.
3. I think the results (publish) early next week.
4. The door always (lock) in the evening.
5. The votes (count) now.
6. Don Quixote (write) by Cervantes.
7. When I arrived, the furniture still (unload) from the removal lorry.
8. In the morning they realized that the painting (steal) during the night.
9. English (speak) in many countries around the world.
10. If you worked harder, your homework (finish) on time.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola chicos! Aquí les dejo más ejercitación para que la usen en etapas compensatorias si lo desean, la ejercitación es bastante completa.
    Saludos. Liliana
